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How to Bake an Ortelius Pi Part 3 | The Configuration



In Part 1, of this series I walked through an installation of Ubuntu Server 22.04.4 LTS on the Raspberry Pis.

In Part 2, of this series we configured DHCP, DNS, NFS and deployed MicroK8s.

In Part 3 we will deploy the following:

  • Deploy NFS CSI Driver for Kubernetes to connect to the Synology NAS for centralised storage.
  • Deploy MetalLB load-balancer for a dedicated IP address an entry point into the Kubernetes cluster
  • Deploy Traefik Proxy as the entrypoint for our Microservices
  • Deploy Ortelius the ultimate evidence store for devops and open-source security validation

I will be using Helm Charts to configure some of the services as this makes getting started a lot easier. Also Helm Charts are great to compare configuration or reset values.yaml in case the plot is totally lost. Think of values.yaml as the defaults for the application you are deploying.

NFS CSI Driver

With the NFS CSI Driver I will use Kubernetes to dynamically manage the creation and mounting of persistent volumes to pods using the Synology NAS as the central storage server. Here is some additional technical information for your reference:

Now let’s get started:

  • On your local machine open your favourite terminal
  • Switch to the kube-system namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kube-system
  • Helm repo add
helm repo add csi-driver-nfs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-csi/csi-driver-nfs/master/charts
  • Helm repo update
helm repo update
  • Helm repo install
helm install csi-driver-nfs csi-driver-nfs/csi-driver-nfs --namespace kube-system --version v4.6.0 \
  --set controller.dnsPolicy=ClusterFirstWithHostNet \
  --set node.dnsPolicy=ClusterFirstWithHostNet \
  --set kubeletDir="/var/snap/microk8s/common/var/lib/kubelet" # The Kubelet has permissions at this location to mount the NFS shares
  • Kubectl show me the pods
kubectl get pods
csi nfs driver storage pods

  • Now let’s create a Storage Class to be used for central data access between our nodes and pods. Create a file called nfs-setup.yaml, copy the YAML below and run kubectl apply -f nfs-setup.yaml.
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: nfs-csi-default
provisioner: nfs.csi.k8s.io
  server: <your nfs server ip goes here>
  share: /volume4/pi8s/
  # csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret is only needed for providing mountOptions in DeleteVolume
  # csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-name: "mount-options"
  # csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-namespace: "default"
allowVolumeExpansion: true
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
  - nfsvers=4
  • Kubectl shows the Storage Class
kubectl get sc
csi nfs driver storage class

  • Let’s make this the default Storage Class as in the above image
kubectl patch storageclass nfs-csi -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}'
  • If you want to undo making it the default Storage Class
kubectl patch storageclass nfs-csi -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"false"}}}'
  • Great! We now have Kubernetes managing NFS volume mounts dynamically for us to our NAS (Network Attached Storage)!

MetalLB load-balancer for bare metal Kubernetes

With MetalLB we will setup a unique IP address on our home network to expose the Microservices running in our Kubernetes cluster. A public cloud provider would give you this during the deployment of your Kubernetes cluster but since we are the cloud we need to provide it and thats where MetalLB comes in.

  • Kubectl quick reference here
  • Helm cheat sheet here
  • Helm Chart on ArtifactHub here
  • MetalLB concepts here

  • Choose an IP address on your private home network that does not fall inside your DHCP pool for MetalLB to use
  • Helm repo add
helm repo add metallb https://metallb.github.io/metallb
  • Helm repo update
helm repo update
  • Helm install MetalLB in the metallb-system namespace
helm install metallb metallb/metallb -n metallb-system
  • Kubectl switch to the metallb-system namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=metallb-system
  • Kubectl show me the MetalLB pods in the metallb-system namespace
kubectl get pods
metallb pods

  • Now lets enable L2 Advertisement and setup our IP pool. Copy the YAML below into metallb-setup.yaml and run kubectl apply -f metallb-setup.yaml
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: IPAddressPool
  name: default-pool
  namespace: metallb-system
  - # change this to your private ip
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: L2Advertisement
  name: default-pool
  namespace: metallb-system
  - default-pool
  • The ipaddresspools.metallb.io is a CRD which is a custom resource created in our Kubernetes cluster that adds additional magic. Kubectl show all CRDs for MetalLB:
kubectl get crds | grep metallb
metallb crds

  • Kubectl show me the IP address pools for MetalLB
kubectl get ipaddresspools.metallb.io
metallb ip pools

  • Epic we have a working load balancer using a single IP address which will act as a gateway into our Kubernetes cluster which we can control with Traefik Proxy

Traefik the Cloud Native Proxy

With Traefik Proxy we can now direct traffic destined for our Microservices into the Kubernetes cluster and protect our endpoints using a combination of entrypoints, routers, services, providers and middlewares.

  • Helm repo add
helm repo add traefik https://traefik.github.io/charts
  • Kubectl create the Traefik namespace
kubectl create ns traefik-v2
  • Kubectl switch to the traefik-v2 namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=traefik-v2
  • Helm repo update
helm repo update
  • Helm install Traefik
helm install traefik traefik/traefik --namespace=traefik-v2
  • Kubectl show me the pods for Traefik
kubectl get pods
traefik pods

  • Using GitHub fork the Traefik Helm Chart
  • Clone the Helm Chart to your local machine and enable the Traefik dashboard, kubernetesCRD and kubernetesIngress in values.yaml and don’t forget to save
  • FYI they might already be enabled
## Create an IngressRoute for the dashboard
    # -- Create an IngressRoute for the dashboard
    enabled: true
    # -- Load Kubernetes IngressRoute provider
    enabled: true
    # -- Load Kubernetes Ingress provider
    enabled: true
  • Because Traefik is deployed with Helm we will use Helm to update our deployment from values.yaml
helm upgrade traefik traefik/traefik --values values.yaml
  • Now we need to deploy an ingress route which forms part of the CRDs that were installed with Traefik
  • CRDs are custom resources created in our Kubernetes cluster that add additional magic
  • Kubectl show all CRDs for Traefik
kubectl get crds | grep traefik
traefik pods

  • Create a file called dashboard.yaml and apply the following logic with kubectl apply -f dashboard.yaml
  • You will need a DNS record created either on your DNS server or in localhosts file to access the dashboard
  • Edit localhosts on Linux and Mac here with sudo rights sudo vi /etc/hosts by adding your private ip and traefik.yourdomain.your tld
  • Edit Windows localhosts file here as administrator windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts by adding your private ip and traefik.yourdomain.your tld
  • TLD = Top Level Domain
apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1
kind: IngressRoute
  name: dashboard
  namespace: traefik-v2
    - websecure
    - match: Host(`traefik.yourdomain.com`) # This where your DNS records come into play
      kind: Rule
        - name: api@internal
          kind: TraefikService
  • Kubectl shows the Traefik ingress routes
kubectl get ingressroutes.traefik.io
traefik pod

  • Kubectl shows that the Traefik service has claimed our MetalLB single IP address
kubectl get svc
traefik service

  • Here is a view of the services for all namespaces
NAMESPACE        NAME                                 TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                      AGE
cert-manager     cert-manager                         ClusterIP    <none>          9402/TCP                     25h
cert-manager     cert-manager-webhook                 ClusterIP    <none>          443/TCP                      25h
default          kubernetes                           ClusterIP     <none>          443/TCP                      3d3h
ingress-nginx    ingress-nginx-controller             NodePort   <none>          80:31709/TCP,443:30762/TCP   9h
ingress-nginx    ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP   <none>          443/TCP                      9h
kube-system      kube-dns                             ClusterIP    <none>          53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP       45h
metallb-system   metallb-webhook-service              ClusterIP   <none>          443/TCP                      3d2h
netdata          netdata                              ClusterIP   <none>          19999/TCP                    2d7h
ortelius         ms-compitem-crud                     NodePort    <none>          80:30288/TCP                 3m24s
ortelius         ms-dep-pkg-cud                       NodePort   <none>          80:32186/TCP                 3m24s
ortelius         ms-dep-pkg-r                         NodePort    <none>          80:31347/TCP                 3m22s
ortelius         ms-general                           NodePort   <none>          8080:30704/TCP               3m21s
ortelius         ms-nginx                             NodePort   <none>          80:32519/TCP,443:31861/TCP   3m19s
ortelius         ms-postgres                          NodePort    <none>          5432:30852/TCP               9h
ortelius         ms-scorecard                         NodePort    <none>          80:30674/TCP                 3m18s
ortelius         ms-textfile-crud                     NodePort   <none>          80:30126/TCP                 3m16s
ortelius         ms-ui                                NodePort   <none>          8080:31073/TCP               3m16s
ortelius         ms-validate-user                     NodePort    <none>          80:30266/TCP                 3m16s
traefik-v2       traefik                              LoadBalancer   80:32700/TCP,443:30988/TCP   2d7h
whoami           whoami                               ClusterIP   <none>          80/TCP                       47h```
  • Brilliant our Traefik Proxy has claimed the IP

What you see is the traefik service with the TYPE LoadBalancer which means it has claimed the MetalLB IP that we assigned. A CLUSTER-IP is only accessible inside Kubernetes. So now with MetalLB and Traefik we have built a bridge between the outside world and our internal Kubernetes world. Traefik comes with some self discovery magic in the form of providers which allows Traefik to query provider APIs to find relevant information about routing and then dynamically update the routes.

  • Hopefully you should be able to access your dashboard at the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) you set
traefik dashboard

Ortelius the Ultimate Evidence Store

Well done for making it this far! We have made it to the point where we can deploy Ortelius into our Kubernetes cluster and access Ortelius through the Traefik Proxy inside the Kubernetes Ortelius namespace.

  • Kubectl quick reference guide here
  • Helm cheat sheet here
  • Ortelius on GitHub here
  • Ortelius docs here
  • Ortelius Helm Chart on ArtifactHub here

Ortelius currently consists of the following Microservices. The one we are most interested in at this point is ms-nginx which is the gateway to all the backing microservices for Ortelius. We are going to deploy Ortelius using Helm then configure Traefik to send requests to ms-nginx and then we should get the Ortelius dashboard.

ortelius microservices

ortelius dashboard

Ortelius Microservice GitHub repos
kubectl create ns ortelius
  • Kubectl switches to the Ortelius namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=ortelius
  • Helm repo add
helm repo add ortelius https://ortelius.github.io/ortelius-charts/
  • Helm repo update
helm repo update
  • Helm install Ortelius
helm upgrade --install ortelius ortelius/ortelius --set ms-general.dbpass=postgres --set global.postgresql.enabled=true --set global.nginxController.enabled=true --set ms-nginx.ingress.type=k3d --set ms-nginx.ingress.dnsname=<your domain name goes here>  --version "${ORTELIUS_VERSION}" --namespace ortelius
  • Lets stop here to discuss some of these settings.

  • --set ms-general.dbpass=postgres | Set the PostgreSQL database password

  • --set global.nginxController.enabled=true | Sets the ingress controller which could be one of default nginx ingress, AWS Load Balancer or Google Load Balancer | Refer to the Helm Chart in ArtifactHub here

  • --set ms-nginx.ingress.type=k3d | This setting is for enabling the Traefik Class so that Traefik is made aware of Ortelius even thou its for K3d another very lightweight Kubernetes deployment which uses Traefik as the default ingress

  • The k3d value enables the Traefik ingress class to make Traefik Ortelius aware.

  • --set ms-nginx.ingress.dnsname=<your domain name goes here> | This is URL that will go in your browser to access Ortelius

  • Kubectl show the pods for Ortelius

kubectl get pods
ortelius microservices

  • Now we will deploy a Traefik ingress route for Ortelius by applying the following YAML. Create a YAML file called ortelius-traefik.yaml, copy the YAML into the file and then run:
kubectl apply -f ortelius-traefik.yaml`
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
    traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.entrypoints: web
    app: ms-nginx
  name: ms-nginx-traefik
  namespace: ortelius
  ingressClassName: nginx
  - http:
      - backend:
            name: ms-nginx
              number: 80
        path: /
        pathType: Prefix
  loadBalancer: {}
  • You should be able to reach the Ortelius dashboard in your browser using the domain name you chose for example mine was https://ortelius.pangarabbit.com

Happy alien hunting…….



By this stage you should have three Pi’s each with the NFS CSI Driver, Traefik and Ortelius up and running. Stay tuned for Part 4 where we use Cloudflare, Traefik and LetsEncrypt to implement HTTPS and TLS v1.3. Yes there is more extraterrestrial life in a cloud deployment near you……..

Disclaimer: Any brands I mention in this blog post series are not monetized. This is my home setup!

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